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Jacqueline Champoux Jersey


Her funeral service will take place at the Mansonville Baptiste church, Saturday May 14th, 2022 at 2pm. Family members will receive condolences directly at the church at 1pm. Burial will follow at the Chapel Hill Cemetery in Mansonville.

Arrangements entrusted to :

Complexe funéraire


402 rue de la Rivière,

Cowansville, Qc

450 266-6061

Jacqueline Jersey of Mansonville, Quebec passed away peacefully January 6, 2022 at the CHSLD in Magog. She was 80 years old. Jacqueline is survived by her husband of 60 years, Sidney, and 3 of her 4 daughters, Ann (Peter Robinson), Sandy Jersey, and Michelle (Michael Dylong). Her second daughter Susan (Douglas Charby) died July 20th, 1991. She is also survived by her younger sister Lucie Champoux (Jean-Louis Duford).

Jacqueline had 6 grandsons!
Tom (Mireille Berwick), Shawn (Kerianne Stuart) Robinson, Randy and Danny Dylong, Matthew (Shannon Jessop), Steve (Kayla Chadwick) Charby.

She also had 4 great-grandchildren, Blake and Holt (Shawn  Robinson). Henry and Josephine (Matthew Charby).

Jacqueline was born in Asbestos, Quebec to parents Jeanette and Rolland Champoux on August 6th 1941. She studied to become a hairdresser and moved to Mansonville to set up shop. There she met her future husband Sid and they married on August 12th, 1961. A family was soon started.

A near fatal car accident on May 13th, 1973, left Jackie with a near paralysed left arm and a limp from a fracture. However, with quiet courage and determination she pressed on with life, raising her 4 girls and always making the best of her situation.

Jacqueline, better known as Jackie by family and friends, enjoyed reading, cooking or rather baking as she had quite the sweet tooth! Her favorite food was Chinese. In the summer she enjoyed her vegetable garden. She loved selling eggs to regular customers!  She also had a love of travelling which included many trips to the Maritimes, PEI in particular, and North Bay, Ontario. During these trips she and Sid made many friends.

Jackie will be missed by her family, her many dear friends and all who loved her.

Our family wishes to thank the personnel on the 3rd floor at the CHSLD in Magog. Jackie lived there for 4 years. We are deeply grateful for the care and love they showed, especially during this time of pandemic.

In lieu of flowers, donation to an organization of your choice would be greatly appreciated.


Paisiblement au CHSLD de Magog le 6 janvier 2022, à l`âge de 80 ans est décédée Jacqueline Champoux résidente de Mansonville.Jacqueline est née à Asbestos, Québec le 6 août 1941, fille de feu Jeanette et de feu Rolland Champoux. 

Elle laisse dans le deuil son époux depuis 60 ans, Sidney, et 3 de ses 4 filles : Ann (Peter Robinson), Sandy Jersey et Michelle (Michael Dylong). Sa deuxième fille : feu Susan (Douglas Charby) décédée le 20 juillet 1991. Elle laisse également dans le deuil sa sœur cadette : Lucie Champoux (Jean-Louis Duford), ses 6 petit-fils : Tom (Mireille Berwick), Shawn (Kerianne Stuart) Robinson, Randy et Danny Dylong, Matthew (Shannon Jessop) et Steve (Kayla Chadwick) Charby, ses 4 arrière-petits-enfants : Blake et Holt (Shawn Robinson), Henry et Joséphine (Matthieu Charby).

Elle a étudié pour devenir coiffeuse et a déménagé à Mansonville pour s'y installer. C`est à cet endroit qu`elle a rencontré son futur mari Sid et ils se sont mariés le 12 août 1961. Une famille a rapidement été fondée.

Un accident de voiture presque mortel le 13 mai 1973 a laissé Jackie avec un bras gauche presque paralysé et une boiterie dûe à une fracture. Cependant, avec un courage tranquille et une détermination, elle a poursuivi sa vie, élevant ses 4 filles et tirant toujours le meilleur parti de sa situation.

Jacqueline, mieux connue sous le nom de « Jackie » par la famille et les amis, aimait lire et cuisiner, surtout les desserts, car elle avait la dent sucrée ! Ses plats préférés étaient les mets chinois et le homard. L'été, elle profitait de son potager. Elle adorait vendre des œufs à des clients réguliers ! Elle aimait aussi les voyages, ce qui a inclus de nombreux voyages dans les Maritimes, en particulier à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard et à North Bay, en Ontario. Au cours de ses voyages, elle et Sid se sont fait de nombreux amis.

Jackie manquera à sa famille, à ses nombreux amis et à tous ceux qui l'aimaient.


Notre famille désire remercier le personnel du 3e étage du CHSLD de Magog. Jackie y a vécu pendant 4 ans. Nous sommes profondément reconnaissants des soins et de l'amour dont ils ont fait preuve, surtout en cette période de pandémie.

Au lieu de fleurs, un don à un organisme de votre choix serait grandement apprécié.

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Marc and Katrina Dreihaupl

Dear Ann and Family, Our hearts go out to you in this time of your loss. How our hearts ache when those who are so dear to us fall asleep in death. We will miss them so much until the day comes when they will hear for themselves Jesus' words to his dear friend, Lazarus: (John11:43) "Come out!" - Wake up! - to a beautiful new world. A world where pain and suffering will become but distant memories, where all will live in perfect peace and perfect health. We look forward to that time when you will introduce us to Jacqueline and we have all eternity to become her friends. You all remain in our prayers,

Esther Condé

Dear Ann, my deepest sympathies for the loss of your mom. It's not easy to lose our love ones but how greatful we are to have the beautiful hope from our loving father. Soon you will be able to see her again resurrected (John 5:28,29). Please pass on my sympathies to the rest of the family. You are in my prayers during these difficult times. Sending you all my love ❤

Matthew Charby and Shannon Jessop

Our condolences Sandy. We are thinking of you and your family.

François Coutu

Nous offrons nos sympathies.

Cheryl Welburn

Dear Anne and Family, The first thing I noticed about your Mom's picture was how much you look like her! Also, I think you got your strength of character from her, too. So in a sense, even though I I did not have the opportunity to meet her in person, I feel that I know her. In the Paradise earth to come you will see your dear Mom again and we will all rejoice with you! 2 Peter 3:13 - There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. With warm sympathy and love, Cheryl

Sandra & Art Johnson

Dear Ann, and family, please know that our heart goes out to you during this time. Our mothers are especially dear to us, and we have empathy for your loss. Art and I never met your precious mom, but we look forward to that privilege when she wakes up again. Until then, we know that the support of God and friends will bring you comfort : “Your loyal love, O Jehovah, kept supporting me... You comforted and soothed me.” (Psalm 94:18,19) Dear Sandy, I only met you a couple of times, but I want to express my deep sympathies to you. Dear Shawn, Tom, Blake, and Holt, please know that Art and I are thinking of you. Your grandmother and great-grandmother is in the safest place, in Jehovah’s memory, and he will bring her back soon.

Robert and Marion Cuevas

Our dear friends the Robinson family, we are so sorry to hear of the death of your dear mother Jacqueline. Remember your heavenly father is aware of your "deep distress" and will support you through this difficult time. (PSALM 31:7) May your hope, faith and love sustain you until the promised resurrection is here. Please convey our condolences to the rest of your family.

Tietz Family

To Ann and family, We are saddened by your loss and want to assure you that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. We are confident that “the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials” (2 Corinthians 1:3,4) will strengthen you as you rely on him. How we all long for the day when “death will be no more”!

Roxanne & Bernard Teasdale

Our deepest sympathy to our dear friend Ann and family. Ann spoke of her mother with fond memories and how under difficult circumstances she endured and triumphed. Her strength and resilience is what we all hope for. loosing a loved one can be devastating, but we can find comfort in the beautiful promise found at Revelation 21:4 where God promises that pain and death will be no more. With this promise we can be confident that there is a hope for the future. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Attila Kugler

My deepest sympathies go out to you Ann,(Peter) and your family during this difficult time. May care and love of those around you but especially our loving God and Father provide you comfort and strenght to get you through the days ahead! May Jehovah the God of all comfort continue to bless you and your family! 2 Corinthians 1: 3,4 Love ❤ you guys

Brittany Salmaso

Dear Ann and family. I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you at this time.

Attila Kugler

My deepest sympathies go out to you Ann, ( Peter )and your family during this difficult time. May care and love of those around you, but especially our loving father and creator provide comfort and strength to get you through the days ahead. May the God of comfort continue to bless you and your family! 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Love ❤️ you guys

Myriam Samson

Dear Ann and Peter, There is not many words to express the sorrow felt when loosing a beloved mother. Even less words to let you know how deeply your friend feels for you. You are much loved. Please convey my deepest sympathy to your Dad and family.

Janet Clough

So sorry to hear of your loss. May she rest in peace.

Dimitri Nicole Liam Heidi KWAS

Ann & family - Please feel the warm support of all those who love you. You always spoke highly about the quality of care your Mom received, and we know the dignity & respect she was given soothed you in many ways. Our hearts hurt with yours and we anticipate meeting her again - vibrant and healthy, the way our living Creator meant for life to be lived. (Ps 37:29, Job 14:15) ❤️❤️ Love you so very much XO

Simon, Michelle. & Emma Warburton

Our sincere condolences to you and your family Ann. What a relief to know that your dear mom, Jacqueline is just resting, she will stand up again (Daniel 12:13) She will open her eyes to a world beyond her imagination in perfect health and happiness. This is a guarantee from our creator, there is going to be a resurrection….(Acts 24:15) until that time, Jehovah understands your pain and promises «  grasp your right hand saying do not be afraid, I will help you ». (Is 41:13)

Robert Farnam & Family

Sorry Sidney of Jackie's 'death. She was a wonderful lady. May the Blessing of God be with you Bob & Deb

Warburton family

Our sincere condolences to you and your family Ann. What a relief to know that your dear Mom Jacqueline is just resting, she will stand up again (Dan 12:13) she will open her eyes to a world beyond her imagination, in perfect health and happiness….

Barbara and David Oliver

Sending our sincerest condolences to Sid, Ann and family ,Sandy, Michelle and family.

Carie and Norm Primeau

So sorry for the loss of your Mum, Anne. Please extend our condolences and sympathies to the whole family. Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

Kelly Rombough

I met Jackie only once but enjoyed her warm heart and pleasant smile! My condolences to her family and friends

Ute Sell

I am very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to you, Ann, and your family.

Walter and Marilyn Stairs

What a courageous lady! In spite of the limitations she faced, she was able to smile and carry on with life. You will be missed.

Lawrence and Nancy

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Ann and your entire family . It’s for sure you have rested your hope on the secure promise of a resurrection. I’m sure that brings you great comfort knowing your mum in safe .

Grant & Wanda Dickie

We are very sorry for your loss. Please be assured of our warmest thoughts and deep condolences for your family. xo

Stephen & Maria Reinhard

It is with sincere sadness that we extend our condolences. The lose of a family member is always difficult to endure. It just proves that we were not intended to die. I know that Ann and her family, as do I, that, though a lose has been experienced, this is only a temporary lose. An ancient book of wisdom assures us that we will see our loved ones again very soon. So, even though we grieve the lose, we are comforted to know we will see Jackie again very soon. Rev.21:3,4.

Gilbert et Mary Ann Lessard

Dear Ann and family of dearly beloved Jacqueline Champoux Jersey, We were so saddened to hear about the passing of Jacqueline. The death of some one you love is very difficult to endure. It is however comforting to read in God's Word the Bible in it's last book, (Revelation 21:3,4): that soon: “…God will wipe out every tear from your eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry, nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away”. We all look forward to that time, when things will return to the way God intended to be from the beginning. May these promises coming directly from our Grand Creator comfort you and help you to endure this loss. Please accept our sincere condolences.

Gilbert et Mary Ann Lessard

Dear Ann and family of dearly beloved Jacqueline Champoux Jersey, We were so saddened to hear about the passing of Jacqueline. The death of some one you love is very difficult to endure. It is however comforting to read in God’s Word the Bible in it’s last book, (Revelation 21:3,4): that soon: “…God will wipe out every tear from your eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry, nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away”. We all look forward to that time, when things will return to the way God intended to be from the beginning. May these promises coming directly from our Grand Creator comfort you and help you to endure this loss. Please accept our sincere condolences.