Cowansville : 450.266.6061
Bedford : 450.248.2911
Knowlton : 450.243.1616



Ethan Marshall


The family will receive condolences at the :


402, rue de la Rivière, Cowansville, Qc


Saturday, October 28th, 2017, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The funeral will follow at the Ste-Thérèse-de-l’enfant-Jésus  Church in Cowansville at 2 p.m.

It is with deepest sadness that we announce the passing of Ethan Marshall, on October 14, 2017. Ethan died at his home in Dunham, as a little super hero at the young age of 4 beside his beloved dog Cooper.

He was the loving son of Mrs. Danielle Painchaud and Mr. Andy Marshall. Ethan will be greatly missed by his sidekick and best friend, his brother Isaac. Ethan also leaves behind his grandparents; Dianne Chandler, Danny Painchaud, and Linda and Alfred Marshall. He leaves his aunts and uncles; Alfred Marshall, Melissa Keefe and Sylvie Painchaud as well as his cousins and many friends.

Ethan was a joyful, comical, and sweet little boy who loved cars, dancing and playing hockey. His death is a tragedy to the family, friends and community.

 To learn more about fundraisers for Ethan's family and how to donate, see here: 

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Arnold and Helen Lewis

Our deepest sympathies to the family

Y. Mathieu

Sans vous connaitre, du plus profond du c?ur je vous envoie mes plus sincères condoléance , bon courage, et que DIEU vous bénisse, maintenant votre beau p`tit bonhomme sera votre ange gardien, il veilleras sur vous.

Abby Marchand & Valerie Dymond

Our hearts and thoughts, prayers goes out to all the family and extended families. We had heard many things about your family through Dan and Diane. They thought the world of their grand children. Ethan and Cooper are together. Bless their sweet souls. I hope everyone finds the strength to get through this with time. Friends of Dan and Diane Valerie & Abby From Sutton

Margaret Burnham

So very sorry for your loss. Just know That Ethan will Always be with you in your heart and memories. The special times spent together will always be with you. None can ever take that away.. My prayers are with you, much love to all of you.

Sharon Lassemba Alsop

May god be with you all in your time of need so sorry for your loss.Madeleine and children.

Ashley McCaffrey

Danielle, Ethan's loss is something I cannot begin to put into words. I am so sorry for your loss, and I truly hope that you, Andy and Isaac are able to find comfort in all the wonderful memories you have of Ethan. His time with you was much too short, but he was still able to bless you with love and joy that can never be erased. Much love to you all.

marie-france Herbuté

Nous habitons le même village, nos enfants ont le même âge. Sans vous connaitre, notre famille a le coeur brisé depuis le 14 octobre. Vous êtes tous les jours dans nos pensés et nous partageons votre peine. Ethan ne sera jamais oublié.

Karen Sylvester & Denis Dery

I hope that your cherished memories of Ethan, will give you strength at this time.

Suzanne et Romeo Sirois

our deepest sympathies to both family your little anger will always be with you

mark sokolis

hey guys uam so so s orry for youer loss if u need ne iiam here for i loveu guysso much mark sokolis

Barb & Dave Oliver

With very heavy Hearts Andy we wish to express our sincerest condolences to you and your fanily

Lucie Trudel

Toutes mes sympathies. La perte fd?un enfant est le plus gros drame d?une vie. Prenez soin de vous, soyez bons avec vous. Votre petit ange sera toujours là près de vous. ?

Leila Ravenelle

My heart goes out to you and your family; stay strong! ??

Nicole St-Germain

Je vous offre mes plus sinceres sympathies et vous souhaites bon courage pour la suite c'est une epreuve difficile perdre un enfant , mais aujourd'hui c'est votre petit ange qui veilleras toujours sur vous


May God bless you and offer you moments of peace.

Carole croteau

My prayers are with you ... as hard as it is right now it will get easier.. remember that beautiful boy and all the good memories he left you He is Gods angel now Watching iver you He is in loving arms ... you will meet again one day... he is not alone My heart aches for you ... but Hod will help you through just believe and all will take its place God bless

roger bockus

my deepest sympathie to the famely

Donald (Punky) Julius et Patricia Maurice

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès d'un être chéri votre petit enfant.nous désirons apporter nos sympathies sincères de la perte de ce qui est le plus précieux aux yeux de tous les parents. Bon courage à toute la famille

Susan Lajoie

May you find some comfort in knowing he is an angel in heaven watching over you all.

Eric and Judy Hinds

To Andy and all the rest Our Deepest Sympathy

Marjolaine St-Amant

My sincere sympathy

Yvon Racette et Nicole Courtemanche

Nous sommes les beaux-parents de Jonathan Owen et aussi des grand- parents qui partageons votre peine. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de courage.

ODETTE Dion-Sanborn

Sorry for your lost. The Sanborn Family

David Scott

Andy and family. There are no words to describe the sadness I feel for you. I wish for you strength, love and most importantly peace.

Joan Burnham

My deepest sympathy to all the family for the tragic loss of Ethan.

Chantale Lepage

Je ne vous connais pas , mais quelle tristesse. Je ne peux imaginer votre peine . Mes pensées sont avec vous et j'ose imaginer que de là-haut votre petit ange veillera sur vous !


My heart goes out to you.God bless you all..Angels help you go through this..

Jennifer Bates

I?m so heart broke for the parents I went to school with Danielle my deepest sympathies to the parents and the little brother I also no the grandparents my sympathies to them as well ? Rest In Peace little angel watch over Your family lots of courage for the days to come ?

Marie Nicole Gagnon.

Je désire sincèrement faire part de mes sincères sympathies au papa et à la maman ainsi qu?a tous les parents et amis d?Ethan.Ceci est une triste tragédie.Un Psaume dit:??Dieu est pour nous un refuge et et une force, un secours qui est facile a trouver durant les détresses ??.Psaume 46:1.Puisse le temps apaiser votre terrible chagrin tout en gardant en mémoire les doux souvenirs de votre petit Ethan.Vous serez dans mes pensées.

Sylvie et Robert

Oh!comme tu nous manque.ton sourire et ton grand c?ur. Tu laisse un grand vide dans nos c?ur. On pense beaucoup à vous trois. On vous aimes

Sonia defoy

Im sorry for your lost

Stephanie Westover

Andy, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that I am thinking of you and your family during this extreemely difficult time. Hugs my friend.

claudette croteau

im so sorry to hear of your tragity,please except my deepest condolinces

Nancy Cote

Words can not begin to express how sorry I am for your loss. My heart breaks thinking of your pain. May your little angel watch over his family, giving you strength.

Lise Lariviere

All my sympathy to you Daniele and your husband. I am so sorry for your lost. ??


I'm so sorry Danielle and Andy he left u so young he is a Angel now watching over u all

Penny herron

My condolences to the family may he rest in peace

Connie Royea

So sorry for your loss. My sympathies to the family!

James and Diana Glover

Our Sympathies to Danielle and Andy and the family this is just so very heartbreaking

Diane Matthiesen

What a beautiful little boy. I'm glad that the time that he did have here , he had you. Your pictures and family videos, show nothing but pure love. My thoughts, along with everyone at Koyo, are with you and your family. Deepest condolences.. . Diane, Carol, and Adler

Marlene. Webster

Words cannot express how sorry I feel for your loss. Take care of each other and Ethan will watch over you forever.

Diana Royea and Dylan Bockus

Our deepest sympathies to the family.

June & Vel Bird

Our deepest condolences to the Painchaud family, may Ethan lay in the arms of Jesus

Kayla Plouffe

I?m so sorry for your lost!!!!! It?s soo sad to lose the kids!!!!! Just stay strong!!!!!

Shari soule

My deepest sympathies, My heart goes out to the family..

Sylvie Foley

Our deepest sympathies to Andy his wife and family no words can express the feeling of your lost but hope you find strengh to get through this sad and hard time . Nick Foley and family .

Gail Bowen

Andy my deepest condolences to you, your wife, your son, and family for your tragic loss. May the communities prayers give you some comfort.


My deepest sympathies to the family. No words can explain your loss. So sad. Please find comfort in your family and most of all the memories. xxxx

Brian Bowen & Carolyn Best

Our sincere sympathy is extended to the parents and brother of little Ethan...and also to the rest of the Painchaud and Marshall sad!