Cowansville : 450.266.6061
Bedford : 450.248.2911
Knowlton : 450.243.1616



Claude Grant


La famille recevra les témoignages de sympathie au Complexe Funéraire Brome-Missisquoi, 215, rue Rivière, Bedford, QC. 450 248-2911. 

Le samedi 10 novembre 2018 à compter de 14h00, suivi d’une Célébration en hommage à sa vie au Complexe à 16h00.

À l’Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu, le 1er novembre 2018, à l’âge de 86 ans, est décédé M. Claude Grant, époux de Mme Lise Grant (née Gagnon), demeurant à Pike-River et autrefois de St-Bruno-de-Montarville. 

Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil ses 4 fils : Stéphane (Lucie L’Heureux), Philippe (Hollie Hovland), Charles et Alex; ses petits-enfants : Jérémie et Raphaël et Maggie Dumont-Grant, son frère Malcom, ses beaux-frères et belles-sœurs : Michel (Marie), Jean (Claudette), Yves (Ginette) et Francine (Germain Brisson) ses neveux et nièces ainsi que plusieurs autres parents et amis. 

La famille remercie sincèrement le Centre d’Action bénévole de Bedford et l’équipe du Soutien à domicile du CSSS La Pommeraie pour les excellents soins prodigués. Des remerciements sincères à l’équipe des soins intensifs de l’Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu pour avoir fait une cérémonie touchante et inoubliable en présence de Claude et ses proches.

Leave a Testimony
Lewis (LouLou) Cantin and Cheryl Cantin

My uncle Claude was a great man, husband, father and grand father. I'm sure he's in heaven with my parents his brother George and sister May. Our thoughts and prayers are with aunt Lise and their family.

Jack Jeffrey from Arizona

Lise, I know that Chris (Kiki) has sent you an e-mail with condolences for you and the family. But, I wanted to also express my personal sadness at the death of Claude. The first time I met him was in 1971, when Chris and I traveled to Montreal, as Chris wanted me to experience her culture and meet her family. Because I did not speak French at that time, I was happy that everyone spoke English so well, and I especially remember Claude?s pleasant personality and good sense of humor. In English, we say that ?he had a twinkle in his eye?, and that?s the memory I have. Over the years, he had to struggle with health issues, but whenever we met, he was always smiling and making clever jokes in two languages. Sometimes, it was many years between visits, and we heard about your life from other family members. There was always something interesting going on, including your convenience store, or the beautiful home by the river. A few years ago, we saw another side of Claude, when you both had to deal with the business affairs of Georges and Mary after their deaths. It was so complicated, dealing with the government, and with eccentric members of the families. Yet, with hard work and intelligence, all of the efforts of you and Claude were so helpful to everyone, and an honor to the memories of Georges and Mary. There are two recent images which I will always keep in my mind. First, when Claude called me ?Monsieur Mae West? due to my preference for that unique Quebec treat. And, second, I recall how happy he was to call you ?La Capitaine? when we took that nice boat ride near your home. He definitely had a twinkle in his eye at that time. It?s sad when anyone passes away, but it is a blessing that he no longer suffers pain. We know that you and your family will miss him each day, but I also know that your memories are like mine??The memories of a wonderful person whose acquaintance I consider a treasure. ?Stand Fast? et bon courage, Jack

Lise Chagnon et Denis Archambault

Sincères condoléances à Lise ainsi qu?à toute la famille. En pensée de tout coeur avec vous.

Municipalité de Pike River

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous apprenons la nouvelle. Bien que les mots soient d'un bien piètre secours en de telles circonstances, nous tenons cependant à vous assurer notre plus profonde sympathie. Veuillez recevoir nos très sincères condoléances.


There are no words to express the sadness in the hearts of the family and friends who will always love and remember Claude.