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Mr. Daniel Rhicard


Burial of ashes at a later date.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Daniel Rhicard on September 28, 2020 at the Glenn Intensive Care Unit in Montreal Former resident of Stanbridge East He is survived by his brother Earle (Norma) and their children, Lynn (Wayne) and Larry (Donna, He also leaves behind his great niece and nephew; Jessica and Kyle, many other relatives and friends. He is Predeceased by his brother Terry (Bev) and his late nieces Debbie and Robyn. The family would like to express a special thank you to Danielle Plamondon for the excellent care rendered to Danny.

Leave a Testimony
Betty Perry

my sympathy to the Rhicard Family

Madelyn & Jean Maurice Bedard.

So sorry to hear of Danny's passing.We would meet often while doing the Ca Marche walk in Montreal.Always enjoyed oue catching up with mutual friends.My sympathy to Earle and all the family.

Cindy and Mario Bourgea

Our deepest sympathies to the family

Danielle Plamondon

RIP Mr. Rhicard. You are in my thoughts forever! You will be missed! Now you are the angel watching over me!

Jim White

So sorry to learn of Danny?s passing. I have many fond memories of Danny from my years in Stanbridge East and Bedford.

Marilyn Brownrigg

It is with sadness that I received the news of Danny's passing, he was a true friend and I always enjoyed meeting up with him, although it has now been many years since I last saw him, warm memories will always remain.Sincere sympathy to his family and friends.

Manuel Greig

My deepest sympathy to the families..

Beverley Mahannah & Andre' Bessette our deepest sympathy to Betty and the family.

Beverley Mahannah ,my deepest sympathy to the Rhicard Family, R.I.P. Danny.

Randy Yates

My sympathy to the Richard family and Danny's many friends. My mother and Danny were avid gardeners and exhibitors of their flower arrangements. I have many fond memories of his visits, his gentle nature and welcoming smile...The good memories will always be of comfort to those that he left behind.

William Blizzard

So sorry to hear of Dans death. My sympathy to the Rhicard family.

Laura Hind and family

Let me first extend my deepest sympathy to all of Daniel's family and friends. I met Daniel at St.George's church many years ago. We became friends. He took to us, and my children, Amanda and Steven, as well as my husband Tony, and my mother, Celes took to him. We all spent many holidays together, and fond memories of meeting in alexis nihon. Because of the the lock down, we had only been in touch by phone in the last months. We will miss Daniel very much. Rest in peace Daniel. To the family, take care of yourselves. Sincerely, Laura

Arnold & Helen Lewis

Our Deepest Sympathies to the family

Honor Barrett

I will miss Dan, he was a constant member of our congregation at Place du Canada, Montreal. A close neighbour and a good friend. My condolences go to his family. RIP good friend.


Dan will be missed, his gentle spirit and his strong wish to volunteer at our church, St Georges Place du Canada

Wayne and Julie Kemp

We were sorry to hear about Danny. We have many fond memories of great times spent together. He will be missed by his many friends . Sending our sincere sympathy to his family.

Colin and Louise Gage

Our sincere sympathy to the Rhicard family as well as Danny's friends/family in Montreal. He had a wonderful dry sense of humour and must have had the greenest thumb around. When at Mrs. Blackwood's we would catch up on all his news, as well as catching up on car race results and hockey. R.I.P. Danny!

Deborah Hinton

I knew Dan at St-George's Place du Canada. He was a good and faithful servant. His kind and gentle spirit always came through whether it was his reading from the lectern on Sunday, conversations at coffee hour or chance meetings on the street. I will never forget how he encouraged us with our multifaith project, CivitasX, and came out to help us prepare meals for the street even when he probably shouldn't have. Always humble. Always that sweet smile. My deepest sympathy to his family and friends. Rest in peace Dan.

Isabelle Charest

I wish to express my most sincere condolences and deepest sympathies. My team and I share your sorrow in these hard times. Isabelle Charest MNA for Brome-Missisquoi, Minister for Education, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, National Assembly of Québec

Ray Wescott

Deepest sympathy to Earle Norma and their family. Danny was a very well known member of the town in years gone by ! He and his flowers will be remembered by all the older residents..

Shirley Reynolds Duso

My sincere sympathy to the Rhicard family and all of Danny's friends. I will miss his friendship and the telephone chats we used to have. RIP Danny.

David Nercessian

Daniel will be sorely missed. He was nothing if not generous. I was the beneficiary of many gifts of plants that would mysteriously turn up on my deck, some originating from his garden in Stanbridge East. It's comforting to have reminders of Daniel that are literally perennial.

David Testu

The supply of good gentle men like Danny is always too low. Sorry for all of us, but especially his family and friends, that it just got a little smaller.

Pierre-Emmanuel Prost

Toutes mes condoléances et pensées vont à la famille. Daniel était une personne sensible et d'une profonde gentillesse. Je suis bien triste de ne pas l'avoir revu autour d'un café entouré de ses amis. Repose en paix Daniel.

Joyce Corey&Alain Giroux

Our deepest condolences to the Rhichard family.

Norman and Geraldine Jourdenais

Our deepest sympathy to the Rhicard family.Dan and i had great conversations over the hockey games.

Wendy Symington

So sorry to hear thoughts and prayers are with the family

Richard & Margaret(Johnson) Lacroix

Our sincere sympathy to the family. I remember his beautiful flowers.

Lynn Caldwell

My sincere sympathy to the family.

Charlie & Johanne Bockus

Deepest sympathies to all of the family and all of Danny's friends. RIP Danny!

Monique & Ken Baker

Our sympathies to the Rhicard family.Danny R.I.P my friend.

Brian & Carolyn Bowen

We extend our sincere condolences to the Rhicard Family and friends of Danny.

Madeleine Dubois

Sorry to hear of your loss, sinceres sympaties a la famille Rhicard

The Rev'd Dr Holly Ratcliffe

He will be very much missed at St George's Church, Place du Canada in Montreal. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

Bob Knox

So sad to hear about the passing of such a good man. He was a gentle soul and a good friend to all. I will miss our frequent coffee dates, but will cherish the time I got to spend with him. I will never forget the twinkle in his eye and impish smile when we would meet, and he would insist I accept small gifts of fruit, sweets, or just packets of flower seeds and bulbs! So thoughtful and caring. He will be missed but never forgotten. My condolences to the Rhicard family and his many friends.

Sheila Perry

It is sad indeed to hear of Danny's passing. He was my neighbor for many years, and a very good and thoughtful friend of Peter and I. He was very proud of his flowers and so he should have been. He supplied all the flowers for my wedding . He worked tirelessly at The Flower Shows and for the church. Danny was a special friend to Ella Blackwood, and we three shared many afternoons of tea and Ella's shortbread. He now joins his friends in Heaven. Rest in Peace Danny. We will all meet again My sympathies to all the Rhicard Family

Shane Sparling

My deepest sympathies

Dawn Sparling

It was always a pleasure seeing him at ,local events. Always with that little grin. Rest in peace Danny. My sympathies to the family.

Donna Boomhower Kidd

So sorry to hear of his passing. He was a kind and gentle man.

Ron and Millie Martin

Our sincere sympathy to the families. We have lost a great friend.......remembering the happy occasions